What if I told you the secrets of effortlessly teaching your new puppy to be a well mannered and obedient family member? I bet you’re a bit like me, I used to become frustrated because I didn’t know how to avoid all the known bad behaviors a puppy might form into habits, or how to make a puppy feel comfortable in a new environment. Imagine how great you and your puppy’s life will be when you use scientific principles to keep all those unwanted behaviors from ever happening.
Are you frustrated with your puppy pulling on leash, chewing on the wrong things, nipping at you, not having any impulse control and all sorts of other bad behaviors? The number one problem today is that most pet parents don’t know the industry secrets that these behaviors are simple to cut off and keep from ever happening. The industry secrets in Raising and Training A Rescue Puppy, keeps any of these problem behaviors that your puppy is known to develop from ever starting. Some of the techniques to do this are teaching Auto Attention and Impulse Control. The Mother and Father of all behaviors
Imagine how easy it will be to learn how to effortlessly make your new puppy a part of the family.
The First three months at home, starting from day one, are perhaps the most important time in your puppy’s life. The Pet Dog Bible is the most comprehensive evidence-based instruction manual on the subject of puppies.
Full practical and easy to follow step by step instructions on how to avoid bad behaviors and teach the good ones. This book will give you industry secrets professional dog trainers don’t want you to know by teaching you how to easily train your puppy in the basic and intermediate behaviors. This book gives you over 14 behaviors that every dog should know. Imagine how proud you will be when you and your puppy crush the Canine Good Citizen test!
Learn HowTo:
- Teach puppy its name, gaining automatic attention
- Stop Resource Guarding
- Stop pup from pulling by teaching loose leash walking
- Effortless House Training
- Make your dog a chew toy fanatic-teaches what they should chew on
- Setup your dogs’ living areas
- Bite Inhibition
- Socializing your new puppy
- How your puppy will develop
- What vaccines and when your puppy will need them
- How to read a dog food label to get the best nutritious puppy food
- Impulse Control Taught via the Default Behavior and the Release
- How to teach your pup to have Automatic Attention on you
- Use Calming Signals
- Deal with Separation Anxiety, stairs, and boredom
- Teach your puppy to love her crate
- Have Less Stressful Vet Visits
- Desensitize your pup to unusual stimuli
- Teach your pup how to target so she can ring some bells when she wants to go out
- Teach polite greeting other animals and humans
- Teach Soft Mouth Retrieval
- The proper way to use a clicker and treats-for initial teaching only
- Maintain a taught behavior by making it so much fun it becomes nearly self-rewarding
- A Force free, Positive Reinforcement, Clicker Training program
I have been the program manager and lead trainer of with various non-profit organizations for ten years. These organizations evaluate and rescue dogs then teach the puppies to be a Service Dog for someone. Personally I have trained 15 rescue dogs myself, and taught dozens of people how to teach their own Service Dog
Teach Smart Not Hard is the philosophy of using the evidence based sciences of learning, behaviorism and cognition to teach dogs in the easiest, fastest, and most efficient way possible force-free. Not Hard refers to evolving past the traditional force based methodologies from the last century.