Following many cases of suspected food poisoning in the Karamoja region of the Republic of Uganda, the meeting provided risk assessments for hyoscyamine and scopolamine, including toxicological and exposure assessment.
Between March and April 2019, many cases of suspected food poisoning were reported by health care workers in the Karamoja region of the Republic of Uganda. Consumption of food products that had high levels of tropane alkaloids was identified as the cause. This group of compounds occur in several plant genera that belong to the Solanaceae family and can contaminate staples like cereals and grains. Given the absence of international guidance and regulations, a Joint FAO/WHOExpert Meeting on Tropane Alkaloids was convened remotely between 30 March – 3 April 2020. This publication captures the discussions of the expert meeting and provides risks assessments of tropane alkaloids (hyoscyamine and scopolamine) as well as recommendations outlining appropriate risk management options